Corridori Viaggi

Jewish Roman Ghetto Tour

The Tour

Discover past and present life of the Jewish People. Explore their millenary history and culture thanks to this impressive tour of the Jewish Ghetto, the place where Pope Paul IV, the 12 of July of 1555, relegated the Jewish People. Once considered a dark and tough place to live, it has become today very famous for its culture and its culinary traditions.

Tour Description

The Jewish Ghetto

Your guide will lead you through the Ghetto, then you will cross the Tiber to reach the remains of the first Sinagogue of Rome and you will taste the products of the traditional Jewish cuisine.

  • Jewish Ghetto
  • Portico d’Ottavia
  • Theater of Marcello
  • Sinagogue (externally)
  • Santa Maria in Trastevere
The Ancient Ghetto

The Ancient Ghetto

The Jewish Ghetto of Rome is among the oldest ghettos in the world; it arose 40 years after the one in Venice, which is the very first..

Discover the traditions of the most ancient Jewish Comunity in Western Europe with this impressive tour through the most important places and the secrets of the Ghetto.

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